Randolph College For The Performing Arts

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Vaccine Policy (UPDATED)

UPDATE: Effective August 1st, 2022

Randolph College for the Performing Arts has paused the requirement to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. This applies to all Students, Faculty, Staff and Guests in both the College Program and the Kids Program.

Please note this requirement may be reinstated on short notice should public health conditions or guidance change.
While students who are not fully vaccinated may now enroll in our program, vaccination requirements may be reinstated with little notice, which could result in de-enrolment.

We recommend that all students be vaccinated to ensure they are in compliance and not be impacted if this requirement is reinstated.

For Students, Faculty, Staff and Guests who have medical and/or OHRC exemptions, weekly rapid testing requirements are also paused.

Any questions can be directed to the Director of Student Services.

Policy Statement

Randolph College for the Performing Arts has developed this policy based on guidance and direction from government and public health. It is expected that more detailed direction from these bodies will be released over the coming weeks and will further guide the policy and procedures. Randolph College for the Performing Arts will continue to adapt the policy as required.

Randolph College for the Performing Arts continues to take proactive steps to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all of its community members. As part of those measures, Randolph College for the Performing Arts is implementing this vaccination policy which, under the advisement of public health and government, will now require two full doses of the Health Canada or World Health Organization (WHO) approved COVID-19 vaccination for all students, faculty, staff and visitors who intend to access Randolph College for the Performing Arts.

Any individual who cannot be vaccinated based on medical or other grounds recognized by the Ontario Human Rights Code can request an accommodation (see below). Those who are not fully vaccinated will have to follow additional strict health protocols including a mandatory requirement to show proof of a negative Covid-test result taken within 72 hours prior to accessing Randolph College for the Performing Arts. Certain high-risk activities may have additional requirements under this policy. The policy will remain in effect as long as the Provincial Government and Ontario Public Health (OPH) authorities recommend that vaccination is the best course of action in limiting the spread of Covid-19. This policy is subject to change and/or extension as government and public health guidance and understanding of COVID-19 evolves.

This policy goes into effect September 7, 2021.


This policy applies to all members of the Randolph College for the Performing Arts community that are aged 17 and over; students, staff, faculty, administration, members of the Board, tenants, visitors and guests. All members of the Randolph College for the Performing Arts community have a responsibility to uphold the principles outlined in this policy.


Randolph College for the Performing Arts recognizes the challenges that have been faced with the COVID-19 Pandemic. Our guiding purpose and principles are as follows:

  1. The health, safety and well-being of the Randolph College for the Performing Arts community, and our students' success is Randolph College for the Performing Arts primary focus as we resume in-person/on-site services.

  2. Randolph College for the Performing Arts will continue to align its approach with applicable government and public health directives and guidelines.

  3. Randolph College for the Performing Arts is committed to accessibility, equity and respectful work/study environment, and has taken into consideration the unique needs of our different community members, including as needed, accommodating individual health needs.


“Rapid Testing” means using a Covid-19 Antigen test to get the required Covid test result.

“Randolph College for the Performing Arts premises” means any physical indoor space or outdoor grounds that are owned, leased, licensed, operated, or otherwise occupied by Randolph College for the Performing Arts.

“Vaccination” means inoculated with a Health Canada or World Health Organization approved COVID-19 vaccine.

“Fully Vaccinated” means 14 days after being inoculated with two doses of the approved COVID-19 vaccine. This definition may change as public health guidance on what is required for a fully vaccinated status evolves.

“High risk activities” include those activities where physical distancing and masking may be difficult or not possible, congregate living settings, or activities with a high rate of aerosol transmission.


As of September 7th, 2021, all members of the Randolph College for the Performing Arts community aged 17 and over, including students, staff, faculty, administration, members of the Board, tenants, visitors and guests that access Randolph College for the Performing Arts premises will be required to attest and provide supporting documentation to their COVID-19 vaccination status prior to accessing campus.

As a condition of entry to Randolph College for the Performing Arts Premises, an individual must:

  1. have one dose of a Health Canada or WHO approved vaccine by September 7, 2021, and be Fully Vaccinated by October 18th, 2021.

  2. have an accommodation under medical or Human Rights grounds and have obtained a negative Covid 19 test result within 72 hours prior to accessing the college.

Individuals who indicate they are vaccinated will need to show proof of their vaccination status. Randolph College for the Performing Arts reserves the right to verify the information that an individual has submitted regarding their vaccination status. If an individual decline to answer, they will have to follow the same protocols as an unvaccinated individual. Unvaccinated individuals will be provided with education on the importance of vaccines to the health and safety of the Randolph College for the Performing Arts community.

Any individual who cannot be vaccinated based on medical or other grounds recognized by the Ontario Human Rights Code can request an accommodation. Those who remain unvaccinated or who only have one dose and who must access the college will have to follow additional strict health protocols such as: frequent testing, wearing masks and other PPE, if necessary, as well as other possible measures to be announced at a later date.

Additional Requirements for High Risk Activities

High Risk Academic Classes: Students and faculty in classes where social distancing and mask wearing may not be possible, or there is a high chance of aerosol transmission (eg. some music courses), will be required to provide proof of vaccination or negative covid test result. Unvaccinated faculty and students in academic classes deemed high risk will need to be tested by using rapid testing once per week. (Testing expenses are paid for by the individual)

On Site Events: On campus events where, social distancing may not be possible will be required to provide proof of vaccination status or negative covid test result taken within 72 hours prior to the event. Failure to provide those will mean the individual will not be permitted to participate in the event.

Other high-risk activities may be identified with similar protocols in place.


Individuals may be exempt from this policy in the following situations:

  • if they require accommodation (e.g., for reasons of disability, religion, or other) under Ontario’s Human Rights Code

  • if they have a medical condition including a physical condition, mental health condition, or other health concern that makes it difficult to be vaccinated

Accommodation requests will be vetted by an Ad Hoc working group with representation from Administration and an outside representative if warranted. This working group will review accommodation requests under strict confidentiality and inform the individual if it is approved.

Members of the Randolph College for the Performing Arts community outside of the Ad Hoc working group should not ask colleagues, students, or others at the representative for supporting documentation or other proof regarding exemptions or accommodations under this policy.

If Randolph College for the Performing Arts grants an individual an exemption, the exempted individual shall obtain and submit proof of negative Rapid Test or PCR Test result in the frequency required by Randolph College for the Performing Arts as a condition of entry to Randolph College for the Performing Arts premises. A negative test result will allow access to the premises. A positive Rapid Test result means the individual may not access the premises, should isolate, and should get a confirmatory PCR Covid-19 test. If the PCR Covid-19 test result is negative, the individual will need to provide proof of the negative test result and then may access the premises. A positive PCR test result should isolate and follow directions as per Covid Policy and Public Health Directives.

The process of requesting an accommodation to this policy will be outlined and communicated to the community by September 6, 2021. Accommodation requests will be eligible to be submitted starting September 7, 2021.